Last Trips

Colombia day 11: from Cartagena to Necoclí.

In Cartagena the bus station is on the outskirts, 1 hour away, and there are no branches in the historic center.

Portugal day 18: Serra da Estrela and Almeida.

Today we will summit the highest peak in Portugal, Pico Torre (1,993 metres).

Torre Peak
Madagascar day 8: from Ranohira to Toliara.

We got up at 5.30, had two continental and one special breakfast.

Camino a Toliara
Portugal day 1: Burgos, Braganza, Montesinho Natural Park.

We left Burgos at mid-morning in our private car in the direction of Puebla de Sanabria, our goal being

Madagascar day 19: Tritiva and Andraikiba lake.

Breakfast at

Lago Tritriva